Post by e***@yahoo.comThere are so many food franchises out there, that I wondered
why someone can't just invent their own franchise ? Instead
of paying the huge franchise fee, just invent your own and give
it the appearance that is some huge nationally prevalent
operation. How will the customer know the difference so
there is no way for the customer to keep track of the
hundreds of franchises out there?
You could visit all existing franchises and copy the attractive
elements of each, such as "chalkboard menus" from Jimmy
Jhons, color scheme from Quiznos, junk slogans on the
walls.. etc...
I dont plan to do this, but was just curious why this would
not succeed?
*laugh* Ok, I never heard someone say something like this before.
Now I assume you're not meaning to lie to customers that you're a chain when
you're not, but just having the appearance of being one of many. I guess
you could do that. I don't see why you would. Being one-of-a-kind is also
an advantage. Being a home-spun creation is very attractive to some
As for copying the attractive elements from chains, you should do that
anyway. Copy the good and avoid the bad. But you should do that of all
competitors and not just the chains. Many chains learn from one-of-a-kind
businesses. But you should not just copy to copy them. You need to
understand the logic behind why they're doing such-n-such. That's more
important. For example...
Mainly of the fast food restaurant chains open up new units based on one
criterion and one criterion only. That being: Wherever McDonald's opens up
one of their units.
Now it does save them a lot of money. Every year, McDonald's spends
millions of dollars on site selection. Their competitors' logic was: Let
McD pay for it and we'll just benefit from their labor.
However, that is EXTREMELY stupid. It is the reason why Burger King will
never trump McDonald's. Think of it this way. McD's site selection crew
looks over an area and determines a unit would be a good thing for it. They
analyze growth patterns, traffic flow, easy of entry, and a long list of
things. Based on all these factors, they find the ideal spot for a McD
Now comes along Burger King. It's people simply find the closest spot to
that McD unit. Guess what. It isn't a better spot that the one held by
McD. Remember the first rule of high-traffic businesses is: Location,
Location, Location. And Burger King suffers because of their laziness. All
chains that simply try to get as close to a McD do. And McD benefits from
their laziness as they help create a fast food mecca for people to go to and
guess who has the best spot in that mecca. ;-)
The moral of the story is: Don't copy the actions of a competitor. Copy
their logic.
Scott Jensen
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