Responses inline...
Post by mlwylandIntreresting question. It is constructed in a way as to define, or
set limitations on, several terms used in the consideration of
eligible candidates.
One example of this limitation is the definition of the term "value."
In a broader context, value is in the eye of the consumer. An
apparently duplicative or replicative effort may be seen by a customer
to be true value because it comes with convenience, service,
satisfaction, or other elements not found in similar products or
I agree - value is in the eye of the consumer - I am not saying that
duplicative efforts are in any way inferior to 'new' value - it is
just that I have often noticed that the line between duplication and
promotion based on orthogonal means (such as marketing, etc.) - is
more common than incremental value over an overlapping offering.
Post by mlwylandBTW, it's also important to better define the term "consumer" as one
determines what the consumer sees as value, as well as in determing to
whom a business should market and advertise and sell.
If a concretely defined segment of consumers of the technology agree
(sometimes immediately, sometimes after using the technology for a
while) that the new technology is indeed significantly more valuable
to them than prior offerings addressing that problem, then it meets
the criteria. This is the distinction between agreeing that the
technology is definitely cooler than the older options and saying that
the new technology has solved a problem that was previously
Post by mlwylandAnother example is the use of the term "mission." In a strictly
capitalistic way, all for-profit corporations exist to create value
for shareholders (owners). This is most commonly done through short-
term excess revenue over expense (profit) and longer-term asset growth
ourpacing liability growth (building asset value).
I believe that the definition of a mission as increasing shareholder
value leaves the option of not necessarily increasing customer value
(for instance, you may increase shareholder value by investing heavily
in marketing a product that doesnt really solve any fundamental
customer problem in a better way). However, the mission principle i
propose would over time increase shareholder value, though it may be
harder to achieve - there are several examples of companies that go
out of the way to ensure that they maintain their commitment to the
customer, and though it is harder in the shorter term, they land up
building a level of customer trust and employee motivation that
eventually wins the investors over. (See for example some of the
companies described in the book "Good Business" by Mihali
Post by mlwylandMost corporate missions rightly focus on the "how" of building profit
and asset values. Productivity as accomplishment is even more
important, for both the individual and society, than the accumulation
of capital in itself.
In an entrepreneurial model, business success can be nothing more than
the superhuman effort to build an idea into a concept into a service
or product that becomes (or has the potential to become) successful in
the marketplace. At this point, the business is an eliglble asset in
itself, and could be offered for sale to another business better able
to sustain its product or service line over the long term while
exploiting its profit and asset growth potential.
True. I realize however that some entrepreneurs start off with a
genuine value proposition, but over time many succumb to the pressures
of investors to heavily diverge from the initial value offering to
realize short term revenues. There are three ways one can respond to
this - 1) embrace the change, and become an investor/shareholder
driven company 2) Focus on ideas that delay or avoid altogether
requirement for significant external investment - i.e ideas that can
go from concept to revenue generating without external investment. 3)
Take idea to working implementation, and sell it to investors/
entrepreneurs/other companies, and move on to other ideas. I believe,
as an advocate of customer value, that more people can aim for 2
before taking the (relatively) easy way out with 1. IMO, the benefit
would be that overall customer value of technology offerings would be
higher than not, increasing the satisfaction of customers and thus
increasing their intent to buy.
Post by mlwylandWhile it's true that a company should have close contact with its
mission and core business strategy, it also needs the freedom to take
the occasional flyer as it pursues new opportunities. Some notable
successful products are based on R&D failures. Having corporate
values such as agility, imagination, inventiveness, flexibility, etc.,
will result in occasional deviations from the stated mission.
However, mission statements are re-examined periodically (every 1-3
years, and sometimes more often) based on changing market conditions
(both internal and external) and interpretation of corporate values
and beliefs.
Absolutely - while mission itself should change with external data, I
am more interested in the mission's alignment with the principle I
mention. There are lot of companies that start with one mission and
change it for various reasons, but keeping the customer needs as a key
factor in the decision, and there are others who prioritize short term
shareholder value over customer needs, doing things that are less
valuable to the customer.
Post by mlwylandI'm not sure what one would end up with if a "noble" company, by your
criteria, is identified. What is the opportunity cost for the
business's owners, employees, customers, and other stakeholders, of
achieving "noble" status?
Adhering to such a principle would increase customer satisfaction,
hence encourage spending, and hence increase shareholder value, and
enable asset growth, etc. Focusing directly on shareholder growth
could lead to shareholder value, etc. but not the customer
satisfaction factors that propel the customer to invest more.
I feel forced to spend on some things because I have no choice (where
I will try every way possible to avoid spending), versus I willingly
spend on some things because it is clearly providing me value (where I
will spread the word on the value of the offering to me).